Monday, December 30, 2013

No Yelling

"Dad, did you ever yell at me when I was a baby?"
"Do you remember me yelling at you when you were a baby?"
"Then, no."

No need to ruin my rep.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Not-So-Big Moments

We were up this morning, sitting on Olivia's bed, and talking about all the big moments and fun things we did in 2013. I asked her, "Of all the things we did this year, what will you remember the most?"
She answered,"When we were riding in the minivan for the first time."
"Yeah. To Hershey Park"
Apparently, the most memorable moment of 2013 for Olivia was when we took a 4-minute shuttle ride from the hotel to Hershey Park.... in a minivan.

Lol. Why do we try so hard?

Monday, December 9, 2013

The F Word

"Daddy, I know a 'F' word."
"Say what?"
"I know a 'F' word."
"What 'F' word do you know?"
"Fortune cookies!"

Relieved. For now.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


FLASHBACK from this date in 2011:

"Daddy, can I have a ice pop?"
"Yeah, give me a minute."
"Daddy. Daddy. Daddy, can I have my ice pop, please?"
"Hang on."
"Daddy, look at my hands."
"What's wrong?"
"No ice pop."